Help: Open Invites  

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The Open Invites page shows game invitations that anyone can accept. Open Invites are a great way to meet new people who enjoy the same games you do. You can get to the Open Invites page by choosing Games | Open Invites from the menu. On the Open Invites page, you can find an Open Invite for a game and accept it, post your own Open Invite, or delete an Open Invite you posted previously:

To find an Open Invite, go to the Open Invites page and use the drop-down list at the top of the page to choose the kind of game you want to play. That will list the open invitations for that kind of game, including the time limit on the game, the username of the player who posted the invite, and a note from that player if they provided one. Scroll down the list, seeing who you want to play with, and then when you've decided click the [Accept] link to the left of the invite. That's it! Clicking the link will start the game and take you into it -- it starts out being your turn.

To post your own Open Invite, go the Open Invites page and use the drop-down list at the top to choose the type of game you want to play. Then click the [Post your own Open Invite...] link to get the Post an Open Invite dialog box, fill it in, and post it! (For help using the Post an Open Invite dialog box, click here.)

To delete an Open Invite you posted earlier, again go the Open Invites page and use the drop-down list at the top, this time to choose the type of the game you posted the invite for. Scroll down the list to your invite, and click the [Delete] link next to it. The invite will be deleted immediately.

(Players can include pictures in their Open Invite notes using MonkeyTags. If you like, you can turn off the display of those images by going to Settings | Edit Profile and unchecking the "Show other images from players" checkbox in the miscellaneous section.)