Ignore List  

Please log in to view your ignore list.

Not a member yet? Once you're a member and logged in, this page shows a list of players you've chosen to ignore. This is useful if a player is hassling you and previous attempts to get them to leave you alone have failed. When you ignore a player:

  • You don't see private messages or game invitations from them, and you can't send them private messages or game invitations.
  • You don't see each other's open invitations in the waiting room.
  • If you have a game going (or you get paired up in a tournament at some point), you don't see their in-game chat and won't be able to send them chat in that game.
Obviously, ignoring a player is a last resort, but these things happen. Having ignore lists helps us keep Pocket-Monkey a nice little place to play games.

So why not give it a spin? Accounts are currently free.